Mold In The Home What You Don’t See Can Hurt You

Mold cleaning

If you’ve ever had a leak or flood in your home, you’ve learned the importance of not only water damage repair but employing a mold clean up service.

Residual mold inside walls and on other surfaces can lie dormant and then start expanding when conditions are right. It’s estimated that a third to one half of all structures have environments that promote the growth of mold and bacteria. Humidity needs to remain at no higher than 50% to prevent buildup. Professional water damage specialists know to take the extra steps necessary to make sure all traces of mold are gone before the restoration work can be considered complete.

In addition to the catastrophic flooding we associate with storms and damaged roofs, there are a number of other potential hazards for damage from water that are not quite as obvious.

Water heaters have a typical useful life of eight to ten years. But when they reach the age of five, the chances of a leak or rupture occurring start to increase dramatically.

Washing machines are another common cause of household water damage. 50% of the time, the source is a broken water supply hose. Specially-designed hoses enclosed with wire mesh can minimize the possibility of this happening.

If a home is more than 20 years old, it is 37% more likely to have shower-related water damage. And, the leakage is likely to happen over time, thereby allowing the growth of mold inside walls, ceilings and floors where it may not be noticed for quite a while.

Over a thousand types of mold and mildew have been found to exist in U.S. homes. So through mold cleaning is considerably more difficult than simply using a spray purchased at the grocery store. Because of the potential for allergy and illness if the job isn’t done right, it’s imperative that the work be completed by a professional mold cleaning service.

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