Did you know that the average human can shed around 1.5 million flakes of skin in just an hour? Gross, right? Even worse, almost all of them will end up embedded into the carpet. It is not just sanctuary for skin cells, though. You can very often find fleas in there, just waiting to pounce and bite anything warm that walks by. When the carpet is dry, the adults will thrive there because of the temperature. Whereas if it is damp, the eggs will love the environment. It is difficult to win unless you clean your carpet vigilantly.
Sometimes your standard vacuum cannot do the trick. For instance, if you require any pet stain removal, chances are that you will need to look into professional carpet cleaning. And it is not a bad thing to have it done occasionally. It ensures that the latest technology is used to make sure that even the grossest stuff is taken from your carpet. If you need gum removed, you can always take care of it by sitting there with an ice cube and breaking it once it is brittle, or you can let one of the carpet cleaning companies handle it.
Most people that I know do not put a quality vacuum cleaner on the top of their list of necessities. Some people may still be using the old school vacuums from the days of yore. One of the first vacuums was actually coal powered, and needed three people to run. Sound familiar? Or what about the kind that had to be parked outside of a house and have the hoses run in through the front door or windows? Or how about the network of pipes running through the house walls, that you just plugged the hose into a special outlet in each room? If you are using any of those to clean you house, Google carpet cleaning coupons and get a company in there as soon as possible. Who knows what is living in your carpets? I shudder to think of it.
Once you get a company to come in and do it professionally, your carpet will be so clean you will be able to use it for the next awards ceremony. Who needs that red carpet? Traditionally the red carpet was used to mark formal and ceremonial paths used by politicians and leaders, and was first referenced by Aeschylus in Agamemnon. I thrilling read, if you get the chance. Seriously. So, if you do not want to end up like Agamemnon, perhaps you should get your carpets cleaned. Helpful links.
the Agamemnon story is awesome, if you can get through the Greek writing part of it.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.
so. gross. what is the point of vacuuming if it does not even do anything! i just want my carpets professionally cleaned once a month.