Getting Ready for Hurricane Season

Rolling hurricane shutters

If a hurricane were approaching, it could release nearly 2.4 trillions gallons of rain throughout the region. The recorded wind speeds in a hurricane can approach the 200 mph mark, but it only takes a fraction of that speed to do damage to your home and property. As you evaluate how to get ready for a hurricane, you may want to look at accordion storm shutters to help with your hurricane home preparation.

Preparing for each years hurricane season can be fairly straight forward based on your preliminary research into protective exterior storm shutters and hurricane blinds for your home. By preparing your home with necessary storm protection, it is less likely to suffer structural damage. Once the wind and rain builds, your home becomes susceptible to both internal and external objects moving at a high velocity, but storm shutters can help prevent those issues. You may want to start your search by speaking with friends and neighbors about their recommendations for preparing for the hurricane, especially if they have recently completed some hurricane home protection or at least added hurricane shutters.

Otherwise, you may be able to find plenty of recommendations and comments about different shutters on various third party review sites. They tend to feature feedback from customers that can describe their experience with installing, and overall satisfaction with their purchase. From this research, you should be able to refine your list of the higher ranked shutters. With that in mind, you may want to get a local expert to help verify measurements and installation work as part of your hurricane home preparation. Eventually the success of a top rated storm shutter comes down to the quality the final installation, whether you do it or have someone else complete the work.

Finally, you will want to insure that you have completed preparations as the weather outlook evolves. Late summer may see an increase in hurricane conditions, but you want to be ready as the forecast dictates. By doing preliminary maintenance in the off season, you will not have any last minute concerns as it comes time to test your storm shutters as the hurricane season arrives. More can be found here.

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