If you are in construction and responsible for those that create a safe environment for mining, government, electrical utility workers or any building project requiring a crane, you will want to be aware of these exceptional alturnamats. In the U.S., OSHA states that cranes must be assembled on ground that is firm, drained and graded sufficiently, in conjunction with supporting materials, such as blocking, cribbing, pads, mats, to provide adequate support and levelness. (OSHA 1926.1402)
Here are some examples of what is at stake.Today’s typical RV owner is 48 years old, married, with an annual household income of $62,000 ? higher than the median for all households, according to the Michigan study. RV owners are likely to own their homes and spend disposable income on traveling ? an average of three weeks annually, Recreation Vehicle Industry Association research shows. They expect quality campgrounds which meet safety regulations. With this presumption in mind, why use less than the best equipment to create the ground protection mats their RVs will rest on? The quality of plastic used to make the ground mats is of great importance.
According to the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association, approximately 8.9 million households own an RV. These people are adventurous and prefer to take their temporary home with them wherever they travel. They enjoy the flexibility a motorhome or towable affords them. They can explore the United States without the difficulty of making reservations at expensive hotels or waiting in airports and paying for baggage. Their trust is placed in those that have made their motorhome jack pads and that they are made of a durable plastic for safety.
ASME states that outrigger blocking or cribbing must have sufficient strength to prevent crushing, bending or shear failure. And it needs to be of such thickness, width and length as to completely support the float, transmit the load to the supporting surface, and prevent shifting, toppling or excessive settlement under the load. (ASME B30.5-2011) This is the type of equipment that gets the job done right, the first time.
Why would those who have an RV trust the lives of their loved ones with anything but the best alturnamats ground protection mats? These mats protect the landscaped areas from heavy traffic and damage due to heavy vehicles. They prevent their RV from getting stuck in the mud and also keep the ground level. The durable plastic provides an RV with worry free conditions that can be relied upon every time.
Provide your workers with the best outrigger pads and crane pads possible to avoid costly accidents or lawsuits in the future.