Power Outages Can Cost You Serious Money Staying Prepared With Whole House Generators

Electricity usage dictates a lot of what we do.

You could even go the extra mile and say just about everything we do. We rely on electricity to keep our houses well-lit, warm and comfortable throughout the year. We use electricity to power our appliances and use technology. We even mitigate our methods of electricity when we want to save money and keep the environment clean. When you want to take control of your life it’s not a bad place to start with how you use energy. When you invest in standby generators that provide you steady access no matter what comes to pass you have the opportunity to truly go above and beyond this everyday necessity.

Not familiar with whole house generators? Consider reading below and seeing how standby generators can improve your relationship with electricity usage.

Americans spend a lot of money on energy. So much so, in fact, many are becoming desperate for alternative options to keep up with costs. One study found the average American household spends nearly 3% of their income on energy bills. That’s around $2,000 per year…which doesn’t even cover the larger households that have no choice but to use more. When heating and cooling costs alone account for nearly 5% of American energy usage, you’re doing a smart thing by investing in standby generators that give you a little extra control of your life.

With so much reliance on electricity, you can imagine how devastating power outages are. These always come as a shock, turning off your lights and shutting down your computer unexpectedly. Not only do you have to dig out the matches to light your home, you also have to contend with the aftermath of appliances that no longer work. The first six months of 2014 saw over 130 reported grid outages, with additional federal data showing the American electric grid loses power nearly 300% more often than in 1984. That’s also the same time when data collection efforts on blackouts began.

Power outages cost businesses, too. It’s estimated they drain $150 billion year in and year out, thanks to data provided by the DOE, and weather-related disruptions are the most expensive out of all of the events. When you invest in standby generators you give yourself a back-up plan when the worst comes to pass. Whether you live in an area with volatile weather or have had a power outage before, having generator installers come to your home and set you up will give you some fantastic peace-of-mind. In fact, whole home generator pricing more than pays for itself in the long-term.

When you experience a power outage you lose data, warmth and food. If the power is out for less than four hours your food in both the fridge and freezer should be safe to consume. If not? It’s highly recommended you toss them out for your own safety. Keep a food thermometer on hand to check the temperature of the food, particularly meat and dairy, right before you cook or eat it. Food with a temperature of more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit is considered spoiled. This all can be easily avoided, however, with the aid of standby generators.

Which generator do you need to keep your appliances working in the events of a power outage? The size you need can be determined by what you intend to supply power to. A tailgate party where you’re running a video system and warming trays should have a generator that produces 1,000 watts or so. If you want to run your entire household via generator, however, you will need a much higher current. When in doubt? Obtain a peak power rating that’s a little higher than your calculated need. Taking this into consideration at startup will save you a lot of trouble down the road.

Electricity is how we interact with the world. Control it with whole house generators, rather than waiting around for it to control you.

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