Fast Facts About Bed Bugs: What They Are And How To Recognize Them

Bed bugs are pesky parasitic creatures that can cause more than a few pesky problems in your home. When they infiltrate your home, they can be tough to get rid of, even if you utilize professional extermination services. To prevent bed bug infestations in your home, here are some quick facts and tips regarding bed bugs.

You’re their next meal

Just like mosquitos, blood is the source of the bed bug’s diet. They feed on any warm-blooded animal, meaning you, your children, and even the family dog are on the menu for this parasite. They’re more likely to target humans over furrier creatures, however, since our skin is more exposed and easier to bite. Luckily, bed bugs won’t live on you or give you diseases when they bite; instead, bed bugs live in the cracks and crevices of walls, flooring, bed springs, and even electrical outlets. They come out at night to feed and retire back to their crevice when they’re full.

They can thrive anywhere

It doesn’t matter if you live in a house, apartment, or condominium: bed bugs are notorious for infiltrating all types of homes, regardless of affluence or poverty. In fact, the top three places to find bed bugs are in houses, apartments, and hotels or motels all across the United States. All bed bugs need in order to thrive are unwitting travelers and a crevice to call home.

They’re hardy

Bed bugs can survive up to a year without a full meal. This also gives them a hard-to-see clear color since bed bugs are only brown or red when they’re filled with blood after feeding. This means they can survive on your luggage, furniture, and in your walls for a long time without being noticed. While they dislike incredibly hot or cold temperatures, bed bugs can survive in temperatures that crest 100 degrees Fahrenheit, making them difficult to be rid of without extermination services.

They’re wily, but methodical

You likely won’t notice a bed bug infestation right away. When a bed bug bites its host, it injects its anesthetic saliva at the site of the bite to numb the area; it’s likely that you won’t notice you’re being bit until the next morning when you notice a small red bump or blood on your sheets.

However, bed bugs usually utilize a regular pattern when they feed. You’ll notice a row or cluster of bumps on your body that signify more than your average skin irritation.

While bed bugs won’t cause you to get any diseases, these pests are difficult to get rid of without the proper commercial pest control service. If you think you have a bed bug infestation, call extermination services that have expertise in bed bug removal and treatment.

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