Plants for Landscaping Work

A home will need to be in good shape so that it will sell well on the real estate market, such as having no drafty windows or leaking roof tiles, and the maintenance for any home today goes beyond the walls and the interior; the exterior should be in good shape, too. The siding should be in good shape, and the roof should not have missing or damaged tiles, and the gutters should be working well. On a more cosmetic level, meanwhile, any homehowner may want to invest in landscaping. What is that? Anything that is installed or planted in the front or back yard to make it more attractive and fun. Landscaping can involve items such as swimming pools, patios and decks, a grill, or even an outdoor kitchen, but landscaping also means planting living things. Shrubs and bushes are a great way to make any front or back yard more attractive for the homeowner and to prospective buyers, and aside from shrubs and bushes, a homeowner may find trees for sales at a local nursery, such as fruit trees or blossom trees. A person looking for this greenery can search online, with queries such as “trees for sale Gainesville” or “trees for sale Boston” to find a nursery with the species of plant that they want. How and why should a homeowner plant shrubs and bushes, and look for shrubs for sale at a nursery?

The Investment

Plants and shrubs for sale at a nursery may seem like a frivolous thing to buy at first, but in fact, landscaping is a critical part of making a property more attractive on the real estate market when the time comes to sell the home, and they can even cut down on energy costs for the home. That, and Americans simply agree that a more attractive yard makes them happier and less stressed (67% of Americans say that professional landscaping allows them to have a nicer yard). These plants can block sunlight hitting the home, which can ease the strain on the air conditioning in spring and summer; in fact, in summer, deciduous trees can block between 60-90% of the sun’s rays, and this is a great cooling effect. And 90% of real estate agents say that homeowners should invest in some landscaping like shrubs and bushes before putting their property on the market, and it is easy to see why. A good landscaping job can boost a property’s value as much as 12%, and spending as little as 5% of a home’s value on landscaping can provide a ROI, a return of investment, of around 150%, meaning that landscaping literally has a great payoff for those who try it out. This can be true with shrubs, bushes, and trees blocking hot sunlight in summer, as mentioned above, and the are simply attractive to look at, making a property stand out on the market. This can also be true for items like a wooden deck, a hot tub, lighting rigs, or even a wooden fence, which can be useful and fun as well as attractive.

Landscaping Work

Once a homeowner resolves to invest in landscaping, he or she can use their budget and their vision for the yard as ways to determine what will be placed there. And in the case of living things, such as trees and shrubs and bushes, the soil type and local climate may also dictate what species of plants are practical to plant and maintain there. A weeping willow will not do well in a backyard in Arizona, but attractive cacti will, and someone in New England may buy species of trees and flowers that are common to that area, needing little maintenance to keep the plants healthy. A person can visit a local nursery and consult the staff there, who will know what types of plants do well in different conditions such as sunlight and soil type, as well as any special maintenance needs for different bushes and trees. The staff can also be consulted about safe methods for planting the species into the ground and maintaining them, such as how often to water them and what fertilizer to use. This allows a tree or shrub to live a long and healthy life.

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