Some household tasks are quick fixes. You just set aside a few hours on your off days, reach into your toolbox, and get it done.
Other issues, however…not so much. A leaky pipe is one thing, but a cracked line running through your concrete driveway? That’s something you’ll need to call a professional for and quick. Not only are cracks, holes, and missing pieces unsightly, they can actually damage your car and reduce your home’s value. Soil cement stabilization is a prime tool that’ll fix the job up in no time and return your house to its previous splendor.
How does a concrete crack repair service work? How long will it take? Below are the five most common questions homeowners have concerning the proverbial health of their cement.
What Is Concrete Raising?
Before you reach out to a soil cement stabilization professional, let’s take a look at some terminology. Concrete raising was originally called ‘mudjacking’ or ‘slabjacking’ back in the day. The process has been in existence for nearly 100 years and has gone through countless revisions to keep up with technology. What was originally a time-consuming process by hand has now been replaced by machinery. Unlike traditional mudjacking, which takes a bare minimum of 24 hours, raised concrete can be used instantly.
What Is The Difference Between Concrete And Cement?
It’s common to see these two terms used interchangeably. They do, however, have a few major differences. Concrete uses a mixture of various, powerful aggregates and uses them to create a template that will last for years. These include (but aren’t limited to) sand and gravel, both in ready supply around the world. Cement is used within concrete to craft the material we interact with on a daily basis.
How Often Is Concrete Used?
Did you know concrete is used more than any other manmade material in the world? That even includes common materials like brick, glass, plastic, paper, and wood. Thanks to concrete’s incredible durability and performance, polished concrete flooring has become a popular alternative to various floorings. These include marble, granit, tile, and linoleum for commercial facilities. That doesn’t mean concrete is infallible, however.
Why Is My Concrete Showing Cracks?
Concrete is made out of some tough stuff. The average concrete’s strength can reach a stunning 3,000 psi (lbs/square inch) and some can even exceed 20,000 psi. When the earth shifts, though, or enough foot traffic is involved over a long period of time? You can find yourself in need of a pressure grouting contractor. Driveways tend to be a particular sore spot for homeowners, due to the constant pressure of a heavy vehicle moving back and forth.
How Long Does Crack Repair Take?
Soil cement stabilization is the key to restoring your driveway, sidewalk, or walkway. A concrete crack repair service will take a look at the damage and figure out what’s needed to get it back up to speed. In some cases you may just need a quick fill job, while other times you might need to replace the entire slab. Depending on how much damage is done, you could wait a few hours or a few days. By that time you’ll have a shiny new end result that will last you for years to come.
There’s no shame in admitting you need more than a quick fix. Reach out to your concrete floor grinding services today and ask for a check-up.