When it comes to headlights, halogen bulbs and fluorescent tubes have been replaced by HID and LED lighting. While each light seems fine to the average person, there are a plethora of variables separating them. We look at the differences between these two forms of lighting and how they can affect your car.
Brightness in a flash
When you turn the car on, you immediately want your headlights to be at their brightest. With HIDs, this can take some time. These headlights take up to 30 seconds to reach their peak brightness. Fortunately, LED headlights become bright in an instant. This is important for moments where you have to immediately drive off to your destination. A lack of brightness can lead to an accident on the road.
The price you pay
HID headlights cost a fortune compared to their LED counterparts. On average, these headlights can be around $100 to $300. In comparison, LED headlights come with a $15 price tag. In the coming years, the price of HID bulbs will decrease to compete with LED bulbs. Whether you have HID or LED headlights, the price to replace the headlight assembly remains the same.
A longer life expectancy
HID headlights don’t share the same life span as LED highlights. A normal set of HID headlights can shine for a minimum of 2,000 hours. If they’re treated with care, they can last up to 8,000 hours before HID replacement is needed. LED headlights last more than 10 times longer than HID headlights. On average, an LED tube can work for at least 50,000 hours.
Using less energy to get started
When it comes to energy usage, the government sides with LED lighting. The US Department of Energy believes this kind of lighting can cut energy usage in half. In comparison, HID lighting needs an instant charge of energy to get going. While their energy use slows down after the first few minutes, the initial burst makes it second-best next to LED lighting.
The blinding effect
Most drivers can tell who’s using LED or HID lighting based on its brightness. In fact, the brightness of HID bulbs can unintentionally blind drivers on the road. This kind of lighting has been the catalyst for numerous car crashes. LED lighting doesn’t have the same level of brightness seen by motorists.