When you are purchasing a house, it may seem like you put out a large amount of money before you even move in. As you talk with your realtor about inspections, assessments, and fees, you may not want to add anything else to the long list. For this reason, many potential homeowners consider not having a house inspected as a way to save themselves some money. While a home inspection is optional, most of the time, you will often hear people tell you that you should not opt out. Many potential buyers get hung up on asking are house inspections required, and if the answer is no, they are likely to avoid spending more money. However, spending a little money upfront can often save you a large hassle and huge bills later on. Consider these reasons for saying yes to a home inspection.</p?
There’s No Better Way to Assess Your Foundation
When you are purchasing a new house, you have no idea what happened in that house prior to your owning it. When deciding are house inspections required, you should keep in mind that this may be the best way to gain an understanding of the condition of the house, especially the foundation. During an inspection, the outside walls are checked for cracks, damaged siding, or missing siding. The level of the dirt around the house is checked to determine if it is too low. This can welcome insects that destroy the wood in your home. A home inspector will make you aware of cosmetic damage to the house, which may get worse over time. While the foundation is not always visible, the inspector can check for evidence of settling or cracking.
Another potential concern the inspector looks for is any grading issues with the home. They will check to see if the grading is sloping away from the house, as it should. If not, water could come into the home and cause damage. If it is not sloping properly, you may need to install a drainage system or do some excavating to change the slope of the yard.
You Can Prevent Nasty Water Damage
If you are purchasing a home that has been vacant or boarded up for some amount of time, it could be the perfect environment for mold to grow. Mold is expensive to remediate and can cause numerous health problems. If there is mold in a house you are considering; you definitely want to know. This is a good reason to answer yes when asking yourself are house inspections required for you. The inspector also checks the roofing for damage. They look for missing, loose, or improperly placed shingles. They will check for damage or cracks around vents. While inspecting the roof, they will check the flashing and the gutters for damage. Replacing the roof can be a large expense. When you know the condition of the roof, you have an indication of how long it will be before you face replacing it.
If the house has a basement, it will be inspected, primarily for water damage. First, you want to ensure the basement waterproof is sound. The inspector looks for common signs like mold, mildew, and a musty smell. They also check the walls for damage and look for uneven floors. Finally, the windows and doors are checked to verify there is no place for water to enter the basement.
You May Feel Inspired to Renovate Outdoors
When thinking about are house inspections required, it is critical to remember that you are not obligated or required to make any changes recommended by the inspector. An inspection is intended to make you aware of potential concerns in your home. The report outlines what the inspector found and recommended changes. Some of those changes are cosmetic, while others are more serious. An inspector checks the exterior of your home, including sidewalks, walkways, driveways, decks, and patios.
An inspector will look for cracks and damage, most of which are visible to you as you do your walkthrough. They will alert you that damaged walkways could be a tripping or falling hazard. This may be an area that you consider repairing for safety concerns. However, you may also replace them to renovate the outside of your home while making it safer. You can replace walkways with pavers, stone, or other materials. You can contact natural stone providers to understand your options and give the outside of your property a new look.
Your Home Temperature Can Finally Be Under Control
When thinking about are house inspections required for the house you want to purchase, you should think about the HVAC system in the house. While an inspector may not be able to tell you how long your HVAC system is going to last, they should be able to tell you if there are any major concerns with the HVAC system. They can tell you the age of the major systems in the house, including plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and water heaters. An inspector inspects the structure of these systems and if they are functioning properly. They may even be able to recommend maintenance or repair needs. Even if you do not have to make repairs immediately, you are able to budget for upcoming repairs that you might have. You can also make sound decisions about considering a warranty for your home to cover these systems. You could also consider contacting air conditioning contractors for assistance.
An inspector can determine the age of the ducts in your home and if there are leaks. They can look at the insulation to determine if there is enough and if you need more to reduce energy bills. They can also determine if the insulation you have contains asbestos. A home inspector assesses the water heater and ensures it is installed properly. Having a secure water heater is critical to proper operation.
You Can Learn New Tricks
It is important when thinking about are house inspections required to remember that there is no legal requirement to make any of the changes recommended in the inspection report. This can be helpful information for you to gain a good understanding of the condition of the house you want to purchase. It can help you create a budget for your home and give you an understanding of how long the major systems should last. You want to keep in mind that these are estimates, and an inspector cannot guarantee the life of any of these systems.
Typically, an inspector is not going to include your lawn and landscaping in their report. Some inspectors may comment on items they see throughout your lawn, but others may not. Landscaping and lawn are not common items an inspector evaluates. It would be best if you did a walkthrough of the home before you purchased it and looked at items like the lawn and landscaping. You may want to consider lawn fertilizing services to fill in all the bare spots in your lawn or for weed control. If you are not happy with the lawn or landscaping, you can contact a professional to get some new ideas for your lawn and landscaping.
You Can Keep Everything Hygienic
When you are considering are house inspections required, you should consider if the inspector can help keep your house clean and hygienic. If you have a septic system, you should have a visual inspection of the system. You want to be cautious when an inspector says they are doing an inspection of your septic system because they will not go any further than just visually. This type of inspection includes asking questions about the house and the septic system. For example, they want to know when the last inspection occurred and how often the septic system was pumped by the previous owner. The inspector also flushes all the toilets and runs the water in the house to ensure the water pressure is sufficient and drains properly. After that, the inspector will check to ensure there is no standing water. Standing water can become an indication of a cesspool. If you are interested in a full inspection to determine the true health of your septic system. When you have a full inspection, this is also the time when a septic cleaner pumps the entire system to clean it.
Carpets are considered cosmetic items and are not typically part of a home inspection. Carpeting typically falls into the same category as wallpaper and paint. If there are stains on the carpet, the inspector may not mention them in the report. You can find a local carpet cleaning to have the carpets cleaned if you are concerned about them. Loose or torn carpets may be an exception for the inspector. These items can be considered a tripping hazard and may be documented in the report.
You May Discover Hidden Needed Repairs
Many homeowners believe that the answer is yes to the question are house inspections required because it helps find hidden problems. While it is true that an inspection may uncover something hidden, the answer is no when asked are house inspections required. That being said, they are highly recommended and often a smart choice. You may uncover items you would not have otherwise known about, such as water heater repairs or that more insulation is needed in the attic. In addition, you may uncover items that you would not catch.
This can help you determine if this is really the best house for you. It may also encourage you to ask the seller to make the repairs. They do not have to, but you can also opt not to buy the house because of the items on the inspection. You can also negotiate a lower price for the house you want to purchase. This is the time when you should work with your realtor to determine which of those paths you want to go down. Finally, when you have placed the inspection as a contingency on the purchase of the home, it gives you an opportunity to pull out of the contract without any penalties.
You Can Make Your Home Safer
When you think about are house inspections required for the home you are considering buying, you should consider safety concerns. When you are a first time home buyer, you may not have any idea what you should look for when it comes to buying a house. You also may not realize what your responsibility is. For example, when you have stairs that do not have a handrail, that is a safety concern, and you could be sued if someone falls. The inspector makes you aware of the items that you should have in your home to keep it in a safe place.
If an inspector brings areas of concern to your attention, you may want to consider stair and railing products to see what items you can add to your home to make them safer. Safety items could be based on your specific needs. For example, if you have someone with mobility concerns living in your home, you may want to add safety rails in the shower and bathrooms. For stairs, you only need one handrail, but you may want to consider having a rail on both sides to make it even safer for those in your home. Some of these safety items are not needed to pass the housing code, so it is essential to understand what you can ask the seller to add or remove.
While we have made it clear that the answer is no when you are asking are house inspections required, we should have made it equally clear that they are a good idea. It would be best if you gave it strong consideration when you are writing a contract for a home that you are considering purchasing.