Understanding the Basics of a Residential Water Purification System

Fresh Water Systems presents this video which covers several types of residential water filtration systems. Their primary distinction is between whole-house water filtration systems and point-of-use systems. Keep reading to learn more.

Whole house systems are point-of-entry systems. They filter the water at or as near as possible to where it enters the home, whether from a city system or a well.

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These systems filter all the water used in the house, regardless of how the water is used. Point-of-use systems filter water by location or use. This system could filter only the water used for eating and drinking.

Another issue for residential water purification systems is the substances being filtered. Filters or other water-purifying methods can eliminate minerals, chlorine, odors, microbes, or other disease-causing organisms. Due to the many substances that can be filtered and whether you want to filter all the water entering the home for all substances, homeowners have choices when designing their system.
Ultimately, each homeowner has to consider the quality of their incoming water, decide which substances they want to eliminate, and determine where in the house or for which purposes they want those substances removed. From there, designing a residential water purification system to remove certain substances at the right spots is a simple issue.

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