Three Mistakes to Avoid Making With Your Produce Garden

Saunders landscape supply

Did you know that, by spending $70 on an edible garden, the average homeowner can receive $530 worth of produce? Vegetable, fruit, and herb gardening have become more popular pastimes in recent years as Americans look for ways to get more in tough with natural, safe, and fresh foods. Gardening at home ensures that food is pesticide and preservative free.

Between 2008 and 2009, the U.S. saw a 19% increase in the number of households growing vegetables and fruits, and that number has continued to go up over the past several years. While gardening isn’t difficult, there are many mistakes that people learn from the hard way. Since gardening is typically seasonal, one mistake can potentially reduce your entire produce yield for the year.

How can you ensure that you grow healthy and lively fruits and vegetables? Here are three common mistakes to avoid.

1. Not Preparing the Soil

If you’re trying to get the job done quickly, it might be easy to assume that all top soil is fine for planting. However, good top soil is key to a strong garden. Early in spring, you should look to fertilize your soil with organic or inorganic fertilizer, or with compost. This will ensure your soil has the nutrients nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous. Compost for gardening can be bought, or produced at home. Colored mulch can also be important for ensuring a healthy soil.

2. Improper Planting

Feel like you don’t need to bother with those little instructions on the seed packets? Not so fast. A mistake in planting can start off growth wrong from the get-go. If you plant too deeply, the spout could tire and use up energy before ever reaching the surface. Too shallow, and the plant can dry out. Similarly, take notice of light requirements.

3. Overenthusiastic Watering

Most of us have had the experience of forgetting about a houseplant or potted outdoor plant until its dry, dead leaves greet us a few weeks later. Good garden landscaping means knowing not to go in the opposite direction and over-water plants. Most plants should not be watered everyday. Why? Keeping the roots constantly soaked can cause root rot to set in, which will weaken or kill your plant. Water in the morning for best results.

Do you have any tips for creating a produce-friendly garden? Let us know in the comments. Visit here for more information.

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