In most cases, business owners aren’t thinking about security on their property until an incident has already occurred. Whether it’s a fire that breaks out due to an accident or a burglary through an unsecured door, there are several safety hazards that can occur on commercial property. Fortunately, there are ways to lessen the chances of a fire or other incident in a building, such as by installing new commercials doors and windows.
Although it may not sound like a business expense you need at the moment, fire rated windows and doors can help you save lives and keep your business more secure. Here are some of the biggest benefits to getting new steel windows and doors for your property:
1. New commercial windows and doors can stop fires from spreading. Fire rated windows and doors are designed to stop fires from spreading. For example, fire doors in an apartment building may be necessary for multi-story dwellings as they stop fires from heading from one door to the next. This is because their seals halt the flow of oxygen from other locations in the building. Windows and doors with this protection can help to decrease the number of fires breaking out on commercial and residential properties: as of 2013, they occur once every 85 seconds for a total of about 1.2 million fires annually.
2. The insulation in fire rated windows can also help you save on your energy bills. Getting new windows with low-e coating can help to reduce energy bills by as much as 30% to 50%, according to current energy prices. This is good news for commercial buildings that need to keep heat in for employees and customers. Those who own residential properties, like apartment buildings or townhouses, will have happy residents who won’t have to pay too much for their heating.
3. Steel windows and doors won’t just protect you from fires. Having new heavy duty doors and windows can also cut your risk of burglary. Approximately one burglary occurs every 13 seconds just on residential properties, and 30% of all break-ins happen because a door or window was left unlocked. If your doors and windows aren’t locking the way they’re supposed to, now is the perfect time to look into replacing them.
Have more questions about how getting fire rated doors and windows can help keep your property safe? Make sure to ask an manufacturing or installation service to find out more. You can leave a comment below if you have any questions or concerns about your property’s needs, too. Read more.