The Three Important Reasons Windows Should Be Regularly Maintained

Residential steel windows and doors

Windows are the most important, most defining aspect of house?s structure. Many of us take their presence for granted and what they can offer in terms of lighting, energy efficiency- even safety! There are so many different kinds of choose from in terms of these varied interests, from thermally broken steel windows, to metal windows, to hot rolled steel windows and so on, each one offering something different in terms of protection. Knowing how and why to keep windows updated and maintained goes a bit beyond common knowledge. The following information breaks down the importance of being mindful of one’s windows and offers ways to get the most out of window maintenance.

1. Security

In today’s world we are all hyper aware of criminal activity and the frightening dangers of home invasion. Almost every 13 seconds a home invasion is being committed, with about 30% of these invasions being possible due to an unlocked or opened window. Residential steel windows can offer some peace of mind as they are especially hard to compromise. The same is true of thermally broken steel windows, with a bit more specialization in what they can secure. Knowing that one?s home is protected against burglaries is more than worth the cost for some peace of mind.

2. Fire Safety

Another concern for most is that of fire risk, a danger that comes from inside the home rather than out. In 2013, a home structure fire was reported every 85 seconds, with an annual total of 1, 240, 000 home fires. Installing fire rated windows and doors can do a lot in terms of safety and knowing one has the best chance of escaping quickly should the unthinkable occur.

3. Energy Efficiency

Windows can make all the difference between a home that is as energy efficient as possible and one that leaks out air and heat. In a standard house, as much as 15 to 22% of heat loss occurs through the windows, costing the inhabitants that much more on monthly bills. Thermally broken steel windows do a lot for conserving energy in the home and making sure the best is done for both the monthly budget and the environment. Making this replacement can save as much as $126 to $465 a year in bills.

Keeping one’s windows updated and maintained in the best choice one can make towards saving money and making difference in their home.

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