Everyone is excited about the new space. So excited, in fact, that they have been obsessed with all of the details. From the color and look of the high pressure laminate sheets that are being used to add color to the individual offices to the type of soundproof wall panels that are used in the conference spaces, the whole team is anxious to get into the new office.
Office space planning involves a lot more than just deciding who gets the office with the window. In fact, the most productive spaces involve site planning that incorporates research from both interior designers and sound engineers. And while it may be more fun to make the color choices that are available in high pressure laminate sheets, it is often more essential that you pay attention to the details required for soundproofing a room.
Sound Engineers Can Help Make Any Space More Productive
From hospitals to schools to recording studios to offices, sound engineers can recommend a number of products that can enhance the productivity of a space. In fact, by employing the four basic tactics of of soundproofing a room can make a significant difference in the planning of any space. Adding mass, damping, decoupling, and filling air gaps are the four tactics that are most successfully applied by sound engineers who are planning any space.
Although there may have been a time when people thought that sound engineering techniques were only employed for performance and recording spaces, this is far from the truth. In fact, the techniques that have been employed in recording studios for many years are now an integral part in the planning of many spaces. Included in small confined spaces like airplanes and in large entrance lobbies in the most expensive office buildings, the techniques that are used by sound engineers can apply in a variety of spaces. And when you realize that many people are exposed to as much indoor noise pollution at work as they are when they are at an outdoor concert, it is important to realize that the techniques developed by sound engineers are very important.
Did you know, for instance, that one in eight people in America States who are 12 years of age or older have hearing loss in both ears? This translates into as many as 13%, or 30 million people, who may have benefited from the techniques that sound engineers offer today.