Indoor Plumbing A Blessing and Curse

Indoor Plumbing: A Blessing and Curse

Seventy Gallons of Water Each

Remember the time you flushed the toilet and next thing you know you’re cleaning carpet? What about that overflowing kitchen sink with the floating pots? If this hasn’t happened to you, it could. It’s just the joy of indoor plumbing. Sinks deal with a lot of Ayer, scum and grut. The average indoor water use in a typical single-family home is nearly 70 gallons per individual, per day. When there is a lot of water flowing, there is the potential for a clog.

Preventing Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are something we all deal with at some point. If you had clogs, you know calling a plumbing service can become expensive overtime. Consider these tips to help prevent clogs, inconveniences, and plumbing service calls. You may not prevent every single clog, but it won’t hurt to try. A good way to prevent clogged drains is to monitor what goes into them. Sounds easy right? In some cases, it’s not so easy and you end up with hair, jewelry, or dirt stuck in drains. Here are a few tips to minimize the risk of clogs and keep your drains flowing smoothly.

Rinse Drains With Hot Water

Bathroom Sinks collect a lot of different things like hair, dirt and dry skin while the kitchen sink collects a lot of food. Running extremely hot or boiled water loosens up some of the sinks contents. Vinegar and Baking soda can also help keep your drains clear. According to Home Maintenance for Dummies, Vinegar is a wonder cleaner. It contains acetic acid, which acts as an excellent organic solvent in removing the organic buildup of crud in pipes. Try rinsing pipes with hot water, adding baking soda, and flushing with vinegar or hot water.

Invest in a Mesh Screen

Using a mesh screen or drain trap can reduce the amount of hair going down the drain. According to Plumbing Supply Group, this is probably the simplest, yet most effective thing you can do to maintain clog-free drains. The plumbing supply company sells mesh screens that will fit almost any drain.

Avoid Too Many Chemicals

Have you ever grabbed a bottle of drain cleaner and poured the entire thing down the drain? While that’s fine, you want to be careful that you aren’t using too many chemicals. Sometimes they’re easier and more convenient than plumbers. Overtime however, chemical can cause corrosion and damage to pipes. Chemical drain cleaners can leave residue in your pipes that, after continual use, can build up causing another clogging problem, according to The Home Fixers.

These tips may not prevent every single clog, but it’s a good place to start. No pipe is perfect. As hard as you try, you may still need to contact a plumbing service for a clogged drain, busted pipe or other plumbing repairs at aomenpoint. If you do, be sure to use a reputable Plumber for repairs and continue to implement these tips to decrease your chances of a clog in the future.

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