It may sound alarming, but the most recent statistics from the FBI report that the year 2013 witnessed 1.9 million burglaries in the United States alone. These burglaries accounted for a shocking $4.5 billion in property loss. If you have invested in a commercial business or property, you will want to do all you can to prevent devastating losses that can occur from burglaries. Here are some tips of how procedures like installing a door specifically made for commercial safety can help give you peace of mind that your commercial properties are secure.
#1. Using Video Monitoring Or An Alarm System
All the technological developments that have occurred recently increase the potential and ease of using video monitoring or an alarm system. These systems are designed for catching a burglar in the act and ensuring that they do not get away with their crime. However, having video monitoring or an alarm system installed also works to deter potential burglars who know the signs to look for beforehand. If your commercial property advertises a well-known and respected security system, potential burglars will think twice before breaking in as doing so would pose a significantly greater personal risk than opting for a location that does not have these defenses.
#2. Replacing Or Installing A Door To Increase Security
Of all the break-ins and burglaries that occurred in 2013, at 59% the majority were the result of forced entry. Furthermore, in over a third of the instances, the perpetrator entered through the front door. Focusing on all points of entry into your building is one of the most important aspects to protecting against unwanted intruders. One of the best options is to have a commercial replacement door installed. Specially designed commercial door locks are superior from a security standpoint when compared to a residential property. Part of the reason is that they use different types of keys that are not easily forced open or picked.
#3. Hiring Locksmith Services
To help you with these endeavors to make your commercial building more secure, locksmith services can be invaluable to both give advice and counsel as well as making sure products are installed correctly. Often, when installing a door to provide a more secure and controlled access point into the building, a locksmith can help reinforce the area around the door as well such as door jams. This helps prevent the possibility that a burglar could break through the door through a weak door frame. Another benefit of having a locksmith on your side is correct installation of dead bolts, which 10% or more of people may install incorrectly on their own.
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