

Should You Choose to Hire an Organic Lawncare Company for Your Home?

adminMay 12, 20152 min read

Each year, Americans spend approximately $700 million on pesticides for their lawns. Those chemicals not only include substances that get rid of grubs, bugs, and other pests, but they also kill off certain invasive species of plants. However, these chemicals…


When Should You Call an Electrician?

adminMay 8, 20152 min read

Chances are you know plenty of reasons to use a professional electrician, but what about when to call a professional electrician? Here are just a few problems you should try finding an electrician to fix. When Outlets and/or Switches Aren’t…


Slew of New Websites Seek to Make Home Remodeling Go Digital

adminMay 8, 20152 min read

For centuries, the home improvement industry has been a fairly straightforward one, dealing with tangible objects and physical labor. Computers and digital technologies have rarely had a role in home remodeling projects. That’s slowly changing, however, with a slew of…


4 Things a Residential Cleaning Service Can Do For You

adminMay 5, 20153 min read

Unfortunately, unless you are able to stay home all day without work, children, pets, or other distractions, cleaning your home is probably pretty low on your list of priorities. While most people assume that hiring a home cleaning service would…


Terrazzo Hard Surfaces Make Happy Homeowners

adminApr 28, 20152 min read

When deciding on floor material, the choices can become overwhelming. There are just so many to choose from! Marble, terrazzo, travertine, limestone, granite, vinyl, ceramic, linoleum, hardwood, carpet, wool, bamboo — just a handful of the variety of flooring materials…