What is the Best Way to Install Siding

In this video, you will understand different things you need to know about siding replacement and the best way to install siding replacement.

This video includes everything like installing vinyl siding, how to cut and install outside corners, how to cut vinyl siding, beginning strip, E blocks J blocks and undersell trim are all shown in this vinyl siding installation video for beginners.

Vinyl siding is a popular and economical option for house improvement without painting. Others choose to remove the old wood siding before installing new vinyl siding.

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If you don’t already have house wrap, now is the time. Begin by drawing chalk lines around the home to use as a guide for the new siding installation.

Place the beginning strip on the chalk line. Leave a 1/4-inch gap between the beginning strip and the wall. After putting the starting strip, install the inner corner pieces 3/4 inch below it. If you’re utilizing vinyl soffit, allow space for accessories below the eaves.

Allow a 1/4-inch space at the top where the eaves meet the outer corner post pieces. Make sure the post is 3/4 inch above the beginning strip. Same as inner corner posts. Loosely nail and splice.

Trim windows and doors with J-channel on all four sides. Glue the casing to the wall. And then bottom and side J-channels flush with the side. Then cut and bend the drain tab.

Work your way up, around doors and windows. Nail under-sill trim to the sidewall at the eaves. Then use a snap-lock punch to secure the top panel. Nail the J-channel to the sidewall flush with the gable. Interlock it with a siding panel. Fit it to one gable side and you are good to go. To learn everything in detail, watch the full video.


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